duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011

Oceanul Iluziei ( Vidul) - Cele 10 aspecte ale Maestrului Primordial ( GURU)

Discul descris de miscarea de rotatie in sensul acelor de ceas, a Chakrei Swadisthan in jurul Chakrei Nabhi ( Manipura), reprezentat pe schemele corpului subtil, a fost numid VID sau Oceanul Iluziei.

In timpul acestei miscari, chakra Swadisthan genereaza energia necesara diferitelor functii pe care le sustine: nutritia, digestia, purificarea ( ficatului) si excretia. Din punct de vedere anatomic, acesta zona marcheaza in sistemul nervos parasimpatic, separarea intre nervul " vag" si nervul " sacru" (pneumogastric), care controleaza partea de jos a corpului. Deci, si pe acest plan apare ideea de " Vid".
In instrumentul spiritual, acest spatiu este cel care separa Kundalini de sistemul nervos parasimpatic. In scrierile indiene in limba sanscrita, Vidul se numeste " Bhava Sagara" ( Oceanul Iluziilor) . El reprezinta intr-adevar spatiul care desparte starea de constiinta a fiintelor umane de Absolut, inainte de Realizarea Sinelui. Astfel, Vidul este un ocean infinit in care, inca din negura vremilor, fiinta umana rataceste in cautarea propriului Sine , un ocean a carui harta nu o are si  care se dovedeste a fi populat de iluzii nenumarate care sunt tot atatea primejdii pentru navigatorul neexperimentat...
Atunci, Dumnezeu, in compasiunea Sa infinita, trimite intre oameni puterea Sa de ghid. Aceasta s-a intamplat de multe ori in istoria umanitatii. Aceasta putere se incarneaza sub forma unei fiinte umane, Guru Primordial sau Adi Guru. Puterea sa este Dharma ( codul comportamentului moral perfect) : El cunoastea regulile esentiale, fara de care traversarea este imposibila pentru oameni. In fond, EL, vine de pe celalalt taram al oceanului....
El vorbeste oamenilor despre existenta unei constiinte superioare. Atunci, cautatorul avizat, recunoscand Maestrul Adevarat i se va abandona. Daca dorinta lui este pura, El ii va arata calea, il va trece Oceanul, asa cum Moise a despartit apele pentru a trece poporul evreu sa traverseze Marea Rosie. "Principiul" de Maestru Primordial, de Guru, se afla in noi, la fel ca si Dharma: toate sunt situate in " Vid" .
Inainte de Realizare ele nu sunt pe deplin trezite. In decursul evolutiei umane, Maestrii Primordiali au dat fiintelor umane reguli, uneori foarte stricte necesare pentru pastrarea instrumentului lor spiritual si a echilibrului in asa fel incat sa poata traversa acest Ocean al Iluziilor. 
De zece ori a venit Maestrul Primordial, si de 10 ori oamenii i-au deturnat mesajul...Evident in acest joc oamenii sunt cei ce au pierdut...Asa cum a aratat-o istoria, activitatea preferata a oamenilor dupa plecarea acestor Incarnari a constat in a rastalmaci mesajul Lor in folosul fanatismului religios....Astfel, oceanul ramanea tot acolo iar fiintele umane nu il traversasera....
Cuvantul Guru desemneaza doua feluri de maestru: Primul este cel pe care L-am aratat anterior, acela de Maestru Primordial. El da indrumari unui intreg popor si ii transmite Legea Divina al carei scop este de a pastra un echilibru ce va servi ca baza pentru evolutia societatii. Moise, Confucius si Mahomed au fost Maestri Primordiali. Ei au dat precepte de urmat in viata , asa cum sunt cele Zece Porunci. In cursul evolutiei umane s-au manifestat Zece Maestri Spirituali, iar noi trebuie sa descoperim mesajul fiecaruia dintre ei.
Al doilea sens al cuvantului Guru se refera la omul devenit Maestrusi care cunoaste Divinul. In compasiunea Sa, el accepta sa instruiasca discipolii. Omul care isi obtinuse deja Realizarea spirituala, adica trezirea lui Kundalini, putea in vremurile stravechi sa o comunice catorva discipoli.
In aceste vremuri binecuvantate de Dumnezeu Realizarea Sinelui este un proces viu, spontan, accesibil unui numar din ce in ce mai mare de oameni printr-un procedeu simplu  dezvaluit fiintelor umane de fondatoarea Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

Prin Realizarea Sinelui ( www.realizareasinelui.ro ) , energia Kundalini umple " Vidul" si isi continua ascensiunea, atentia noastra este condusa afara din starea de confuzie si iluzie, pentru a atinge constiinta realitatii pure si absolute.  Datorita trezirii lui Kundalini,  Sinele nostru trezit poate recunoaste Adevarul gratie manifestarii vibratiilor racoroase care il insotesc.
Cauzele spirituale ale blocajelor acestui centru sunt: lipsa de stapanire de sine( trandavie, fanatisme) , usurinta, lipsa de personalitate, atasamentul fata de un maestru nerealizat sau de un fals guru, orice forma de fanatism, nerecunoasterea unuia dintre Maestrii Primordiali, lipsa de Dharma, adica lipsa de respect fata de legi si de morala Divina reprezentata si prin cele Zece Porunci.
Aceasta chakra poate fi ameliorata prin curatire cu ajutorul tehnicilor de care dispunem in Sahaja Yoga si care va vor sta la dispozitie la cursurile noastre.

Rolul spiritual al chakrei Nabhi

Nabhi chakra regleaza directia si viteza evolutie noastre umane reprezentand centrul de comanda pentru a sustine dragostea de familie , rolurile si relatiile de parinti, conducerea financiara, slujba si cariera noastra, alimentarea. La nivelul acestui centru, cele zece porunci ghideaza principiile atitudinii si comportamentului nostru. Dupa Realizare ( www.realizareasinelui.ro) , o durere moderata in Nabhi ( regiunea stomacului) poate fi experimentata ca un rezultata al dezechilibrului acestei chakre. Cand acesta nu este corectat , activitatile iesite de pe centru ale Nabhi-ului pot conduce la boli de stomac extreme ca : ulcer, hipoglicemie, diabet si cancer. Activitatile mintii femeiesti a gospodinei sunt reglate de Nabhi stang. Sotia si mama sunt " programate" sa dea cu generozitate si neconditionat tuturor membrilor familiei. Daca sotia domina pe sot sau este dominata de catre el, aceasta chakra va prinde si va afecta toti membrii familiei. Daca copiii nu o respecta pe mama sau daca sunt maltratati de ea, acest centru va prinde si va afecta intreaga familie.
Activitatile legate de bani, cariera si relatii sociale sunt reglate de Nabhi drept. Prea multa grija pentru bani dezechilibreaza acest centru. Aceste conditionari problematice, la fel de bine ca prea multa gandire si planificare aduc adesea ficatului prea multa supraincalzire. Cu prea multa caldura in ficat, atentia se imprastie si o concetrare relaxata devine imposibil de mentinut. Semne ale dezechilibrului hepatic sunt: iritabilitate, nerabdare, nemultumire cronica, temperament aprins si ingrijorare continua. Iaurtul, orezul alb, legume gatite si crude, pui si fructe sunt toate bune pentru racorirea si curatarea ficatului. Zaharul de trestie alb luat in forma lichida, actioneaza ca un detergent pentru un ficat fierbinte si distrug grasimile in ficat. Un ficat care este prea rece este rar, dar daca au loc eruptii pe piele, aceasta poate fi cauza. Pentru un ficat rece luati legume galbene. Pentru probleme de  ficat de tot felul beti cativa litri de apa pe zi. Aceasta spala, indeparteaza toxinele. Satisfactia completa ca o stare stabila poate fi dobandita cu ajutorul unui Nabhi foarte echilibrat, sanatos. Pe masura ce atentia noastra se purifica prin meditatie si poate fi tinuta in Sahasrara pentru perioade de timp mai lungi , vom dobandi un mod mai detasat de a reactiona la evenimentele vietii noastre. Noi vom deveni participanti mai profunzi si plini de bucurie chiar si la problemele vietii familiale.
Aceasta chakra are 10 petale, numar care corespunde celor 10 porunci din Biblie; acestea reprezinta un cod moral de evolutie spirituala. Ascultarea acestor porunci este unica cale de urmat pentru a merge pe calea evolutiei spirituale si a respecta ceea ce se cheama Dharma. Notiunea de dharma este fundamentala, este codul comportamental ce permite societatii umane sa evolueze, sa functioneze si fiintei umane sa se apropie de Dumnezeu.  Shri Mataji  ( fondatoarea Sahaja Yoga) explica astfel: " Dharma este calitatea hranitoare a umanitatii. Este ceea ce a permis omului sa evolueze de la stadiul de amiba. Acest cod al vietii protejeaza si hraneste cresterea noastra spirituala. "  Astfel intr-o anume etapa a evolutiei, dharma a fost data fiintei umane sub forma celor Zece Porunci. Adeziunea constienta la aceste legi este esentiala pentru supravietuirea si cresterea omului. A se indeparta de la aceste Zece porunci poate fi periculos. Aceste reguli ne mentin pe calea de centru si cei ce au urmat intotdeauna aceste principii primesc mai usor Realizarea. Cei ce nu au inteles necesitatea Dharmei inainte de a avea Realizarea, incep sa o inteleaga dupa aceea.
Chakra Nabhi este este atat sediul bunastarii la nivel material cat si la nivel emotional si spiritual.
Cauzele principale ale blocajelor acestui centru sunt din punct de vedere spiritual nerespectarea pricipiilor Dharmice iar din punct de vedere material, proaste obisnuinte precum :consumul de hrana fermentata, branzeturi iuti, ciuperci, alcool, alimentatie prea grasa, atentie excesiva asupra hranei, a manca prea mult sau a se priva excesiv de hrana. Metodele de curatire ale acestui centru sunt diverse si se bazeaza atat pe folosirea elementelor pure ca apa si  pamantul cat si pe folosirea unor tehnici specifice ce se invata cu usurinta in cadrul cursurilor noastre din Sahaja Yoga. Vizitati  www.sahajayoga.ro  pentru a gasi cel mai apropiat centru de locatia dvs.

miercuri, 19 ianuarie 2011

Sistemul subtil in fiintele umane(2)

In corpul nostru mai exista o energie de tip rezidual, care se afla în stare potentiala, înfasurata în osul triunghiular denumit sacru. Energia aceasta este reziduala în sensul ca ea constituie energia originara fundamentala, care nu a suferit nici o diviziune. Atunci când Energia Divina patrunde în creierul fatului suficient de dezvoltat, se descompune în trei fascicule, datorita creierului în forma de prisma, printr-un fenomen asemanator refractiei. Energia care cade pe partile laterale ale creierului se intersecteaza patrunzand în sistemul nervos simpatic. Însa atunci când Energia Divina cade în centrul creierului, ea traverseaza coloana vertebrala fara sa fie supusa refractiei, si se încolaceste în osul sacru ca energie Kundalini. Energia originara si atotcuprinzatoare este înfasurata de trei ori si jumatate, aflându-se într-o stare potensiala, de repaus.

Sistemul subtil pe care îl avem în interior este înnascut. Pe parcursul evolutiei noastre, am dobândit sapte centri principali de energie situati pe coloana vertebrala si, de asemenea, în creier. Atunci când se trezeste energia denumita Kundalini în sanscrita asemenea unei flori care rasare din samânta ei, energia respectiva traverseaza cei sase centri si strapunge în final zona fontanelei denumita Brahmarandhra, conectând constiinta umana cu puterea atotpatrunzatoare a Iubirii Divine. Apare astfel în om cea de-a patra dimensiune a constiintei. Iata modul în care Kundalini savârseste Yoga. Atunci când Kundalini se ridica, ea modifica baza de date genetica si determina astfel o transformare a personalitatii. Cei sase centrii (chakre) sunt purificati, alimentati si iluminati, fapt care se reflecta la nivelul genelor amplasate câte trei de fiecare parte a spiralei de ADN.
Atunci când Kundalini se ridica si trece prin cei sase centri destinati aspectelor de ordin fizic, mental, emotional si spiritual, ea îi hraneste pe fiecare în parte. Centrii îsi vor reflecta noua stare asupra genelor. Ei vor fi iluminati si, astfel, fiecare aspect fizic, mental, emotional si spiritual va fi iluminat la rândul sau. Odata ce e strapuns ultimul centru situat la nivelul fontanelei (osul moale din copilarie), ne unim cu puterea universala a Iubirii Divine. Prin vârfurile degetelor începe sa curga suflul racoros al Duhului Sfânt, sub forma unor vibratii binefacatoare. Suflul racoros se poate simti iesind din zona fontanelei. Aceasta reprezinta ultima experienta a Realizarii Sinelui.
A doua experienta este ca, în ascensiunea ei, Kundalini creeaza o stare de constiinta lipsita de gânduri (Nirvichara Samadhi). Fiintele omenesti se gândesc fara întrerupere fie la viitor, fie la trecut. Daca cineva le spune sa traiasca în prezent, lucrul le este cu desavârsire imposibil. Un gând apare asemenea unui val, dupa care se ridica un altul si, tot asa, gândurile se ridica si coboara, iar sursa lor este exclusiv trecutul sau viitorul.

Atunci când Kundalini se ridica, gândurile se distanteaza. Între gânduri exista un interval foarte mic (vilamba), care se dilata si se creeaza o stare de liniste totala. Atunci ne aflam în prezent, dar lipsiti de gânduri, de griji sau de mânie, caci prezentul este realitatea. Când suntem în aceasta stare a prezentului, resimtim un calm si o pace absoluta. Iata modul în care atingem pacea interioara; ea poate fi realizata si în plan colectiv, atunci când miilor de oameni li se trezeste energia Kundalini.
Am descoperit cu uimire ca în lume exista totusi foarte multi oameni care sunt cautatori adevarati si pasionati, nascuti în timpurile moderne (Ghor Kaliyuga). Este probabil ca ei sa mai aiba niste defecte omenesti, dar Kundalini depaseste toate barierele, sfârsind prin a le acorda o a doua nastere. În realitate, Kundalini este Mama fiecaruia dintre noi. Ea are imprimate, asemenea unei benzi magnetice, toate informatiile despre trecutul, inspiratiile si aspiratiile noastre. Ea este Mama fiecaruia, care îsi iubeste copilul si este nerabdatoare sa-I daruiasca cea de-a doua nastere. Ea ne întelege perfect si îsi începe imediat ascensiunea, atunci când este pusa în fata Realitatii Divine, strapungând în final zona fontanelei, ceea ce odinioara era considerat un lucru aproape imposibil de înfaptuit. Pentru aceasta nu trebuie sa se stea în cap, nu trebuie sa se tina post, nu trebuie sa se spuna rugaciuni; nimic din toate acestea, ci doar sa existe abandon si umilinta în inima. Aceasta se întâmpla numai prin binecuvântarea Divinului.”

Sistemul subtil in fiintele umane (1)

In fiintele umane , Cel mai subtil este Spiritul, apoi mai subtil este Sufletul, apoi este corpul subtil, şi în final este corpul material (grosier). Accentul nu va fi pus pe corpul fizic decât în măsura relaţiei dintre acesta şi corpul subtil. Medicina s-a ocupat de corpul fizic mii de ani, şi încă mai sunt necunoscute, dar nu putem spune că totuşi nu a avut succes. Se cunosc multe lucruri, poate nu toate despre corpul fizic, însă cred că e momentul să ne ocupăm puţin şi de corpul subtil, energetic, al fiinţei umane. Vom încerca să facem acest lucru dintr-o perspectivă, să spunem ştiinţifică, pentru a nu fi acuzaţi de un misticism ieftin. Un alt lucru interesant de observat este că legăturile dintre corpul fizic şi cel subtil nu sunt de neglijat. Chiar dacă acest corp subtil nu se vede cu ochiul liber, traseele canalelor energetice (sau nadis-uri) se suprapun perfect peste traseele nervilor.

Totuşi înainte de a vorbi de corpul subtil, tocmai că sunt într-o relaţie mai strânsă decât am crede, am să vorbesc puţin despre sistemul nervos.
Sistemul nervos, din punct de vedere funcţional, este alcătuit din sistemul cerebrospinal şi sistemul nervos autonom sau vegetativ. Primul îşi are numele de la cele două segmente componente: creierul şi măduva spinării, fiind denumit şi sistemul nervos de relaţie a organismului cu mediul înconjurător. Prin funcţia sa, el transformă stimulii proveniţi din mediul din jur în diferite tipuri de reflexe (de apărare, de adaptare, etc.) după natura şi intensitatea stimulilor. La om, el îndeplineşte şi funcţii superioare, ca stocarea de informaţii, rezultate ale excitaţiilor, memorizarea lor, învăţarea şi educarea, reprezentând şi substratul individualităţii şi personalităţii umane.Sistemul nervos autonom sau al vieţii interne, vegetative, coordonează activitatea organelor interne şi funcţiile vegetative ale organismului (nutriţia, respiraţia, circulaţia, excreţia etc.).

Sistemul nervos simpatic

Sistemul nervos simpatic, care este subdiviziunea cea mai mare a sistemului nervos autonom, cuprinde două trunchiuri de-o parte şi de alta a coloanei vertebrale; acestea cuprind câte 22-25 de ganglioni, care sunt uniţi între ei prin ramurile interganglionare. El începe dedesubtul bazei craniului cu ganglionul cervical superior şi se termină cu ganglionul coccigian, nepereche, la prima vertebră coccigiană. Pe acest traseu al ramurilor interganglionare se pot diferenţia patru părţi: partea cervicală, partea toracală, partea abdominală şi partea pelviană sau sacrală. Partea cervicală este formată din 3 ganglioni simpatici, cea toracală este formată din 10-12 ganglioni, cea abdominală din 4-5 ganglioni lombari, iar partea pelviană este alcătuită din 4 ganglioni sacraţi. Partea dreaptă şi stângă se unesc la prima vertebră coccigiană, pe linia mediană, în ganglionul “coccygeum.

Schema reprezentarii energiei Kundalini
Astfel, energia divină A se divide în patru părţi care corespund de fapt celor patru părţi ale sistemului nervos:
  1. Sistemul nervos parasimpatic (canalul central – Sushumna Nadi);
  2. Sistemul nervos simpatic drept (canalul drept – Pingala Nadi);
  3. Sistemul nervos simpatic stâng (canalul stâng – Ida nadi);
  4. Sistemul nervos central

Centrii parasimpaticului nu sunt dispuşi într-o manieră continuă precum cei ai sistemului simpatic şi nu sunt bilaterali; aceştia, în fapt, sunt localizaţi la nivelul trunchiului cerebral şi coloanei sacrate, şi conţin celulele primului neuron eferent, preganglionar. Fibrele care ies nu formează nervi independenţi; de obicei se conectează, în apropierea organului inervat, într-un ganglion parasimpatic sau intramural situaţi pe măduva spinării. Fibrele parasimpatice se găsesc în nervii oculo-motor, facial, glosofaringian, vag, şi al doilea şi al treilea nerv sacral.
Raţiunea pentru care cele două grupe ale parasimpaticului sunt separate una de alata, la cele două extremităţi ale nevraxului, rezidă în acţiunea sa anaboligenă, separată în reflexe orale, respectiv anale, la cei doi poli ai corpului, care reprezintă de fapt polurile de intrare şi ieşire ale aparatelor economiei organice (de import şi eliminare a materiei). Aceste reflexe sunt separate în organism şi, până la un punct, chiar antagoniste, fapt intelifibil prin aceea că materia introdusă trebuie să aibă timpul necesar spre a fi digerată şi asimilată, înainte de eliminarea deşeului. Tot aşa se explică de ce parasimpaticul cefalic îşi întinde teritoriul său de acţiune de prin nervul vag până la unghiul splenic al colonului, adică până la acel nivel de unde începe să se manifeste influenţa parasimpaticului sacrat, adică acela care asigură eliminarea fecalelor din tubul digetiv. Aceste reflexe anabolice au fost deci polarizate dintr-o necesitate vitală, care să asigure îndeplinirea funcţiilor de refacere a rezervelor organice.

Sistemul nervos parasimpatic

Cam asta spune, pe scurt, medicina tradiţională sau alopată despre sistemul simpatic şi parasimpatic.
Însă pentru că noi vorbim în acest serial despre corpul subtil, vom aborda acest sistem vegetitiv şi din perspectiva metaştiinţei. Pentru a cunoaşte Realitatea, care este diferită de proiecţiile mentale, omul trebuie să pătrundă în acest nou domeniu al Metaştiinţei, ceea ce este posibil doar atunci când intră în supraconştiinţa colectivă, prin Realizarea Sinelui. Mentalul este o iluzie, iar realitatea este creierul.
Atunci când se formează fătul, energia divină A străbate mai întâi creierul. Creierul omenesc se aseamănă cu o prismă, cu un apex, în timp ce creierul de animal are o formă mai aplatizată. Datorită structurii creierului, energia divină se refractă şi iese sub formă de energie R care se încrucişează. O componentă a energie R este absorbită de către sistemul nervos sub formă de energie X, iar energia Y rămasă iese afară din creier. Această energie Y este cea care reacţionează la orice, ducând la crearea baloanelor ego-ului ţi superego-ului (condiţionările). Ele acoperă zona limbică şi creează în minte gândurile care ajung să ne controleze, menţinând realitatea dincolo de mental.

Kundalini si meditatia

"Kundalini e cea care are răbdare, iubire, înţelegere, care mângâie şi sfătuieşte, care îi salvează pe oameni, îi transformă şi le acordă cea de-a doua naştere. Ea e cea care doreşte să vă dobândiţi Realizarea Sinelui, dar dacă voi înşivă nu v-o doriţi, ea nu este deranjată. Ea e cea care nu ia nimic de la voi, ci numai dăruieşte (…). Ea a venit pentru a ne spune adevărul…"
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meditaţia vă permite să pătrundeţi în profunzimea fiinţei voastre interioare. Când meditaţi sunteţi liniştiţi, sunteţi în starea de conştiinţă fără gânduri. Atunci această conştiinţă se extinde şi se deschide. A ajunge la o astfel de înălţime a detaşării şi înţelegerii este posibil numai prin meditaţie. Meditaţia este singurul mod în care vă puteţi îmbogăţi interior cu frumuseţea Realităţii… Nu există nici o altă cale de a pătrunde pe tărâmul Divinului.
Sahaja Yoga
În primul rând Yoga înseamnă unirea atenţiei cu spiritul nostru. Acestea două trebuie să se întâlnească: numai dacă şi numai atunci când are loc unirea dintre ele puteţi atinge Absolutul. Yoga este un proces viu, este Sahaj, adică spontan, lipsit de dificultate. În realitate, toate tipurile de Yoga sunt Sahaja. Altminteri, indiferent ce ar numi oamenii yoga nu poate fi cu adevărat yoga, deoarece conexiunea (unirea) se produce spontan şi numai prin trezirea energiei Kundalini. Prin urmare, Yoga nu poate fi decât Sahaja Yoga (Yoga Spontană).

Kundalini este puterea dorinţei pure din noi; este o energie maternă, mângâietoare, care rezidă în stare latentă, înfăşurată în trei spire şi jumătate, la baza coloanei vertebrale, în osul triunghiular numit Sacrum. Kundalini vă vindecă, vă face mai buni, vă dăruieşte toate binecuvântările. Ea îndepărtează toate preocupările şi grijile din planul material. 

Realizarea Sinelui
Realizarea Sinelui este procesul care are loc atunci când Kundalini este trezită şi se ridică pentru a se uni cu Puterea Atotpătrunzătoare. Ea acţionează mai întâi la nivelul corpului fizic, apoi al celui mental, urmat de cel emoţional, iar în cele din urmă la nivelul fiinţei spirituale.
Atunci când e activată, energia Kundalini urcă de-a lungul canalului central, străpungând cei şapte centri de energie şi, în final, osul fontanelei. Ea poate fi resimţită deasupra capului, dar şi în palme, ca o briză răcoroasă.

Briza răcoroasă 
Briza răcoroasă a lui Kundalini Primordială se află pretutindeni. Noi începem să o percepem în palme, de îndată ce Kundalini străpunge osul fontanelei şi ţâşneşte prin vârful creştetului.
Este răcoroasă, pentru că Puterea Atotpătrunzătoare a Iubirii lui Dumnezeu se simte astfel atunci când spiritul nostru este iluminat. Ea există pretutindeni, dar noi nu am mai simţit-o înainte, ci începem să o percepem abia după ce spiritul nostru este trezit.

Una din problemele lumii moderne este aceea că ne-am îndreptat atenţia către lucrurile exterioare, către dezvoltarea exterioară şi economie, pierzându-ne complet interesul pentru fiinţa interioară. Problema zilelor noastre, o problemă foarte subtilă, pe care oamenii nu o înţeleg, se află în chiar interiorul fiinţei.
Oamenii sunt atât de neliniştiţi şi tensionaţi. Problema este că atenţia noastră nu se află fixată asupra spiritului, ci e îndreptată mereu în exterior.
Dar de îndată ce atenţia noastră se fixează pe spirit, descoperim că totul se rezolvă, în mod uimitor, şi că spiritul este sursa întregii iubiri, a păcii, bucuriei şi adevărului. 

(textul reprezintă extrase din diferite cuvântări ale lui Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, fondatoarea Sahaja Yoga)
Manifestari ale Energiei Kundalini surprinse de pelicula fotografica
     Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, fondatoarea Sahaja Yoga

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marți, 18 ianuarie 2011

The truth about Kundalini

                                                                                                “And whosoever will, let him
                                                                                                take the water of life freely.”
                                                                                                              Revelation of John 22, 17

The traditions of India and its neighbouring countries offer more spiritual knowledge than any other region of the world. At home and at school we hardly learn anything about the historical and spiritual background of these areas.  As a result, we incur the danger of giving a wrong interpretation to this region’s spiritual tradition by extracting a part of the whole, if we are interested in Eastern wisdom.

On the subcontinent of India we see a variety of spiritual traditions. Hinduism, Buddhism, Lamaism and other teachings confuse the Western seeker with thousands of gods, deities and different perceptions about life after dead and destiny. But even in the large variety of tinges and facets of Hinduism and its pantheon of deities there is the idea of a final unity. This one is the Brahma, or Sadashiva.  Through his power Mahamaya (the Great Illusion) he creates all divine, human and material aspects of the universe. At the end, he reabsorbs everything. Yoga, the real meaning of which is “Union with God”, embraces all the efforts of mankind in the spiritual domain. The final aim is not some blurred “enlightenment”, also not to jump in the air a little bit or wear clothes of a certain colour, the aim is the connection with an higher awareness. Yoga, “connection”, is only good when this perception of a higher awareness can be achieved. This Yoga is not one single technique or a determined exercise, it is a way of life once the connection was established. All the asanas, breathing techniques et cetera are helpful tools for those who are connected and know how to apply these techniques, because the same asana may be helpful to one, but harmful to the other – depending on individual constitution. Doing physical exercise without being connected may calm you down a little bit, however, basically it is as if you try to swim without water.

            As we have received so much from the East and still are to receive much more, we would like to look closer at the basis of Indian Knowledge.  This basis is the classical scriptures of old, for example the Vedas or Upanishads, as well as the teachings of venerated Indian saints and masters such as Markendeya or Tukaram.  Simultaneously, we shall try to integrate important scriptures of other cultures - also of the west.

            Looking at most of the modern publications<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[1]<!--[endif]--> on Kundalini, it seems obvious that nothing is known of the roots of religious knowledge.  According to the quoted ancient sources, Kundalini is the most subtle, the holiest and mightiest force of the universe, which, only under certain circumstances, is accessible to mortals.  These superlatives are meant literally.  Even the “Rishis”, the saints/sages, who communicated with the Gods themselves were not allowed to awaken the Kundalini in human beings.  Bearing this in mind, one should consider carefully advertisements for “Kundalini-Seminars” or similar offers.  Kundalini is not a discovery of our times, she has been described thousands of years before Jesus Christ; and the knowledge we have got has come through old Indian scriptures.

            Let us try to understand this tremendous power as far as we can with our minds.  Numerous names of her are at the same time names of the Goddess Parvati as a virgin (“Uma”, “Gauri”). The name Parvati has only been given at her marriage with Shiva.  In her aspect as a mother the spouse of Shiva becomes the “Devi”, the Mother Godess of the created universe.  As Devi she incarnates in times of great difficulty, when all the negative forces rise up and challenge the righteous and religious. She destroys all the demons ruthlessly and without pity, because, as mother, she protects her children - the seekers of truth.  This power has also been attributed to the Kundalini, when she acts in a cleansing way in human beings and removes the “individual demons” within. And there exists a link between the primordial power Adi Shakti and Kundalini. 

In the few sources that refer to Shri Adi Shakti, it is usually said that she is the primordial and highest power.  She is the one who created the first manifestation; the bridge between the formless non-manifested God and the whole formed creation.  Kundalini also builds a connection with the divine, connecting the individual to a collective, higher awareness. – Shri Adi Shakti is described as so powerful that Shiva, Vishnu and Brahmadeva were extremely impressed, when they were once granted the permission to visit her sphere (Devi Bhagawatam, III book, cp. FN 3). Only after some time did they realize that they were in their mother’s house. Apart from the tremendous power that lies in the Kundalini as part of the primordial force, the protective, motherly aspect clearly appears.

            Before considering any detailed parts of ancient scriptures - in particular the “Jnaneshwari” - we shall discuss the function of the Kundalini. At this point we must introduce the greatest authority in this matter; Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Avatara of our times, proven by the awakening of the Kundalini in hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.  She can indeed transmit a practical experience of the Kundalini-Power, as well as the corresponding knowledge. Thousands and thousands of people in India, thousands throughout the west, and also in Russia, who have been so fortunate to meet Her, can confirm this. All other Saints, who might have power over Kundalini, lead a withdrawn and hidden life in the Himalayas and its foothills, and they cannot give Kundalini-awakening en masse.

            Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains that the Kundalini resides in every living being as the divine desire to become one with God.  Since the beginning of the creation this force has been acting and pushing the evolution forward.  In our western tradition Kundalini could be understood as the Holy Spirit. In Hebraic scriptures she is called “Ruach”.

            If a human being is perfectly pure in his inner, subtle system (which practically means that he has become a saint) he receives his total liberation, “Moksha”, at the moment of the Kundalini awakening.  This perfect liberation took place for Buddha after he had renounced all his attachments and temptations.  If Kundalini awakening takes place in “non-perfect” human beings, she starts cleansing different energy centers, the “Chakras”. The effect of the desire to become one with the cause of all creation manifests in the healing of the chakras and is a first step on our way to the final goal.  The significance of the Kundalini being the reflection of the divine primordial desire is, that it corresponds with the classical representation of Adi Shakti, who at the  very moment of creation has given shape first to the desire (Iccha-Shakti) and then to the act (Saraswati).

            The last, complete liberation is the union of the soul, the Atma (Shri Shiva) with the Kundalini (Shakti) in order to make the Atma aware or conscious in us.  That means, the truth, the all-pervading awareness and the pure joy become reality in us.  The Sahasrara chakra above the fontanel bone at the top of the skull opens up and replaces the biggest part of our ego and our conditionings.  This process has often been described poetically in old scriptures:

            “I had been impressed and dragged far away,
            with a burden on my head; now I have
            escaped from the burden, for you have accepted me.
            How many times I cried to you in time past!
            Tuka says, Today my service has borne fruit.”
                                                                        Tukaram, “The Poems of Tukaram”, Chap. XII,593, Delhi, 1983.
“Thou art diverting Thyself, in secrecy with
            Thy Lord, in the thousand-petalled lotus,
            having pierced through the Earth situated in
            the Muladhara, the Water in the Manipura, the
            Fire abiding in the Swadhisthana, the Air in
            the Heart (Anahata), the Ether above (the
            Vishuddhi), and Manas between the eyebrows
            (Ajna) and thus broken through the entire
            Kula path (central channel - Sushumna).”

                                                            Shankaracharya, “Saundarya-Lahari”
                                                                                (The Ocean of Beauty), 9th poem, Adya, 1977.

            Where have these modern descriptions of so-called Kundalini-experience come from, which are contradictory and which often report very unpleasant experiences? Most probably these descriptions are partly due to wrong translations of the Jnaneshwari and partly to misunderstandings.  Misunderstandings in the sense of mental concepts instead of a practical experience.

            For a long time the teachings about Kundalini have been kept as a secret knowledge that has only been bestowed simultaneously with self-realisation, the awakening of the Kundalini.  This was the real heritage of the masters, the saints or gurus, who did not perform a hollow, symbolic act, but a living process.

            In the Bagavadgita the subject of Kundalini has been very briefly referred to.  The Upanishads have only treated parts of it.  Markandeya was the first one to break with the taboo (thousands of years ago), and talked openly about it. What these classical scriptures have in common is that they are difficult to understand and that the effects of Kundalini have not been described in detail.

            This changed in the 13th century A.D. Around 1275 in the central part of India, Maharashtra, Jnanadeva (also called Jnaneshwar or Dyaneshwar) was born. Although he left this world at a very young age, he is one of India´s greatest saints.  As the Bagavadgita had been written in Sanskrit the masses did not have direct access to this most popular religious scripture of the Hindus. Thus Jnanadeva was convinced by his brother to write a commentary on the Bagavadgita in Marathi (the common language of the people in Maharashtra). This work, the “Jnaneshwari”, contains many more details than the Bagavadgita. It is said that the “Jnaneshwari” can be read like a comment of God himself, who acts in the Bagavadgita. - Marathi has been and is still spoken in Maharashtra.  Apart from the changes of a living language through 700 years, Marathi is ideal for beautiful poetry and religious works, but also can be misunderstood if taken literally, as every single word has various meanings, often a material as well as a subtle or a poetic one.  The use of images is an important method of poetic expression.  This country of Maharastra and its language have a special significance in the spiritual development of India.  Shri Sita and Shri Rama (Ramayana: the incarnation of the God Vishnu and his spouse Laxmi) trod on this soil, Ekanath, Tukaram and many other important rishis and saints have left behind their works in the Marathi language.

            In the 6th chapter of the Jnaneshwari the Kundalini and its effects are described.  This text again is not easy to understand.  The learned and scholars have tried to avoid this very difficult chapter for 700 years, as all written knowledge of the world cannot replace the holy experience. Thus the academics never understood it; and there is one essential point for us: The translations, mainly in English, available in the West, are not correct.  They certainly all relate to one original translation, as the mistakes are apparently similar.  These errors of translation are probably responsible for the incomprehensible descriptions of Kundalini that we have in the west.  For example one of the main mistakes is to suppose that the seat of the Kundalini is in the region of the stomach.  This mistake is to be found in the book of Avalon (see FN 1). In the original scriptures nothing of the kind is mentioned. Shankaracharya (8th century AD) says in the Saundarya Lahari (see above) in the 10th verse: “..Thyself assuming the form of a serpent of three-and-a-half coil, sleepest Thou in the hollow of the Kulakunda .The description refers to the triangular bone, to which we will come back later.  Finally, the Devi Bhagawatam should be quoted, book XII, chapter 5, where the Mother of the Worlds (Shri  Adi Shakti) is again described as the “Kundalini in the Mooladhar”.

            Besides these wrong translations, there is a lack of understanding which we mentioned before: In the Jnaneshwari, at the end of the 10th sub-chapter of chapter 6, Shri Krishna explains clearly the way of a real yogi and says explicitly, that it is the EXPERIENCE of self-realisation, and there is no doubt about the fact that this experience has to come from God. As Arjuna is urging for this knowledge, Krishna says: (11th sub-chapter, first sentence): “I explain it to you in more detail now, but only through the experience it will bear fruit”. So it is clear that a purely mental understanding of the description of the Kundalini is meaningless if the actual happening of self-realisation is lacking. The mediocre translations of the Jnaneshwari unfortunately confirm these words.

            This introduction is followed by the description of the “asana” (sitting position), which is favourable to the awakening of the Kundalini.  The awakening itself can only be performed by a person who is authorized. The asana is described several times as “the steady seat”, which corresponds to the lowest chakra (Mooladhara chakra). It lies at the root of our body and guards the sleeping Kundalini in the sacrum (Mooladhar). Any weakness of this chakra, which is the throne of innocence and wisdom, causes permanent difficulties, as it is the support of the Kundalini. Certain sitting positions should just enable our attention to detach from physical processes.  Later in the 13th sub-chapter it is mentioned that the palms of the hands should be kept upwards, in order to feel the Kundalini-energy.
                There is a considerable difference between the Mooladhara-chakra and the Mooladhar which lies above it (sacrum), the triangular bone at the end of the spine.  At the awakening of the Kundalini, her pulsations can often be seen with the naked eye at the sacrum.  This perception is the best proof of its real position; all other conclusions do not correspond with the reality.  Lying at the basis of the spine, she rises through the middle channel (Sushumna), which corresponds with the canalis centralis in the grey matter of the backbone. The medical term is “Os Sacrum, “holy bone”, taken over directly from the Greek by the Romans: Its special position was known also in the West, in ancient times.  We know that the Egyptians attributed this “Os Sacrum” to the God Osiris. In an article of the “Journal of the American Medical Association” (JAMA” of 1987 it is written: “… the idea that the sacrum is the last bone in the body to disintegrate after death and, therefore, necessary for resurrection could qualify it as sacred.  The first Biblical intimation that a single bone might be the bone needed for resurrection is in Psalms 34, 21:  ´He watches over all the bones; one of them shall not be broken…”   The idea of resurrection or second birth mentioned here is, in various forms, present in all religions.

            To all those, who really can feel the effects of the awakened Kundalini, the 14th sub-chapter of Jnanadeva´s work proves to be an absolute disaster in translation - knowledge without experience is useless. We have chosen a few important aspects to illustrate this.

            The translation of the Marathi word “Tap” as “heat” caused by the awakening of Kundalini is wrong in this context.  Here “Tap” means “force”.  The force, resulting from the exercise of asanas and giving the possibility of the awakening, but not the awakening itself.  The activating of the Kundalini is a process beyond human willpower and beyond the force of human action.  Thus in the translations, by a misunderstanding of nuances, the mother Kundalini becomes a monster, that devours the intestines voraciously - Whereas in a subtle, beautiful language the power is praised who is eager to give the second birth, to permeate the whole body and to renew it.

            The body and its organs, each cell is being touched and purified by Kundalini.  This process has been described in detail right up to the roots of the hair by Jnanadeva.  Certainly there is no one, who ever before was able to observe and understand the Kundalini in his body and subtle system as precisely as this great Saint.  The effect of the different breathing forces in connection with Kundalini is explained as well as the effects on the elements.

            The Janeshwari continues with the procedure after the purification of the subtle centres:  The Kundalini stays in the centre-channel (Sushumna) of three subtle channels and pours out  “of her mouth water, that becomes nectar”.  This nectar in its turn brings forth a “vital wind, …. that gives a
cooling sensation in and on the body” .  The perception of the cool breeze is the best on the palms of the hands and at the top of our head (Sahasrara Chakra). This coolness is also described in the Koran - Sura 36, 65: “One day we will seal their mouths, but their hands will speak...”.  This Sura, called “the Heart of the Koran” has the title “JS”.  These are the initials of “Joga Sahadsch” as it would be spelled in Arabic.  “Sahaj” means “born with” or “spontaneous”, Sahaja Yoga is the yoga of the spontaneous unity with God.  The hands “speak” in such a way that each finger, root of the hand and palm correspond with a chakra and the various sensations of the part of the hand inform about the condition of the chakras.  There are further hints to the perception of Kundalini in the Koran, as in Sura 24, 24 or 41, 21 and following. 

This cooling energy does not only exist after the awakening of the Kundalini, it is one with the divine force, who awakens Kundalini in the individual human being and permeates the whole cosmos. In the Gospel of John, 4, Jesus describes the process of awakening to a Samaritan woman next to a well:  “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given you water of life. The woman said to him, Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: Where can you get that water of life? … Jesus answered, Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again: but whoever drinks the water that I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up into eternal life.”  As Janeshwar uses the image of the “water” or “wind of life”, we can find the Kundalini and its effects described by Jesus Christ in the same way. - The completion of the Kundalini’s task is depicted by Jnanadeva in most beautiful Marathi poetry. The skin is only an envelope, in which the radiant being of the 17th phase of the moon is covered. The full moon, the 16th phase, has the meaning of fulfillment, completion. Only Sadashiva, God beyond all perception, is beyond that, in the illuminated Sahasrara.

            Through the ancient Scriptures a structure of the inner system takes shape, which is still very common in India.  At the bottom we find the four-petalled lotus of the Mooladhara Chakra.  In it resides the guardian of Kundalini, who represents wisdom and innocence. The Kundalini is situated above this center in the sacrum bone and therefore, at her awakening, cannot pass through the chakra placed underneath.  If one tries to raise the Kundalini without authorization, then the guardian of  the Kundalini sends waves of heat through the body in his temper. Sometimes these waves of heat are misunderstood as the awakening of the Kundalini, but it is just the opposite. Jnanadeva says very clearly, that coolness is the sign of the rising Kundalini.  Each unauthorized practice to get in touch with Kundalini leads to a damage that makes an awakening more difficult. Only if the process is triggered by an authorized person, does it lead to its fulfillment. The Kundalini, an intelligent and motherly energy, can never do any harm. Even when she heals physical diseases, it is always in a gentle manner.
            In relation to the above mentioned Mooladhara Chakra we must stress that there is no connection at all between sexual activities and the Kundalini or her awakening. Unnatural and exaggerated attention on sexuality weakens and damages this lower chakra. Then the Kundalini has a weak basis and cannot rise for long. In the same way other unnatural behaviour may disturb other  Chakras or energy-centers, the same is true for bad intentions or desires even. Thus greed or hatred for example block the ascend of the Kundalini at different levels.

            As described in the poetry of Shankaracharya and as known in India in general, the ascending Kundalini passes through the Nabhi-, Swadisthana-, Anahata-, Visshuddhi-, and Agnya-Chakra. As soon as the Agnya Chakra at the forehead gets pierced through, “Nirvichara Samadhi”, thoughtlessness, is achieved.  Only at that very moment one can talk about an experience which allows a deeper understanding of the “Jnaneshwari” for instance.  Nirvichara Samadhi is spontaneous, like every movement of the Kundalini.  Samadhi cannot be achieved through human willpower, that is why the concept, that through efforts of concentration real spiritual progress could be achieved, is wrong.

            After the Sushumna, which is the central channel, the subtle channels on the left and the right are enlightened. The left (Ida-Nadi) represents the emotions, conditionings and the past, the right (Pingala-Nadi) activity, planning and the future.

            The whole process physically relates with the parasympathetic system and therefore cannot be controlled consciously.  The real awakening of Kundalini does not cause any spectacular process or sensation out of control. “Only” a kind of profound peace and joy can be felt, and coolness on top of the head and on the palms of the hands. If the subtle centres, the chakras, are damaged, the perception of Kundalini is reduced in accordance.

            Only the one who is able to awaken the Kundalini, so that the effects, as described by Jnanadeva and other masters, can be felt, so that the water of life is flowing, can be called a real Guru in the best tradition of the Great Indian Teachers.
E.g. Gopi Krishna, Kundalini, Lustig-Verlag, 1983; Arthur Avalon, Die Schlangenkraft (The Serpent-Power), Bern 1982; Shivananda, Kundalini Yoga, Munich-Planegg, 1953; just to mention the first ones, hundreds followed, without any basis in the ancient scriptures, and without genuine experience.
 The above-mentioned “Mahamaya”, “The Great Illusion”, is just one aspect of the Adi Shakti
 E.g. Devi Bhagawatam, as “The Srimad Devi Bhagawatam”, Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi, 1977, cp. Especially book III, ch.    
   3, 4 and 5.
The three-and-half coils of Kundalini relate to the three “moods” (basic principles) of the creation and - the half coil - to the primordial power, neither manifest nor non-manifest.  These moods are Mahakali, Mahasaraswati and Mahalaxmi: Desire, also destruction of evil; action, creation; and finally the power of the central channel, of evolution.  As said before, Kundalini is a motherly energy and it is not incidentially, that the deepest mights of the universe are female in all the world’s cultures (“The Mothers” in Goethe’s “Faust”).  We meet those basic principles in antique Rome as “Parcae” (The Fates), in classical Greece as “Moires”: Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.  At the foot of the Germanic world-ashtree Yggdrasil the “Nornes” Urd, Werdandi and Skuld are resting - spinning, measuring and cutting the “thread of life”.
 Cp. Vedas, Samaveda, book III, ch. 2, decade V, 10, “…God, the Bestower of Dharma, Arth, Kama and Moksha.” Moksha means complete liberation, enlightenment.
 JAMA, 1987, Vol. 257, 2061 a. fw. P., Oscar Sugar, PhD, MD. University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago.
See the Gospel of John, 3.3 f. Jesus talks to Nikodemus about this second birth and Nikodemus asks, if he would have to return into his mother’s womb.  Jesus tells him that he must be born again of the spirit, “of water and of the Spirit”. - The importance of being “born again” is also stressed by the genuine saints of todays India, e.g. Ramana Maharshi.
Also in the western literature references to this unique perception can be found:

                “Mild creative breeze,
                  A vital breeze which travelled gently on
                  O’er things which it had made”
                                                                                Wordsworth, Prelude I, 43-45
                “Still the Breath Divine does move,
                  And the Breath Divine is love.”
                                                                                W. Blake, The Everlasting Gospel, 41-42

Essentially the quoted:  Bagavadgita, Upanishads, Devi Bhagawatam, Scriptures of: Shankaracharya,   
    Markandeya, Tukaram and of course Jnanadeva.
 Inner tensions, unusual forms of perception and specially waves of heat through the body are mentioned by 
    Gopi Krishna (cp. FN1) falsely as effects of Kundalini; however these sensations are warnings, not to misuse this holy power.

Dr. Udo Szekulics
Mala Rao-Szekulics

luni, 10 ianuarie 2011

Secretele spirituale ale atomului de carbon


Atomic theory is an ancient science. The earliest record of it can be found in Vedic texts from india which are many thousands of years old.
Legend has it that the Vedic civilisation was highly advanced. The sages that oversaw its development, through their mystic insight and deep meditation, discovered the ancient symbols of spirituality: Aumkara and Swastika. They also discovered many scientific principles that they applied to develop a highly advanced technology. They gave the atom its sanskrit name "Anu".
While the technical achievements of this ancient civilisation have been forgotten the archetypal symbols of spirituality have maintained their eminence in our consciousness. Now, thanks to advances in modern atomic theory, the atomic basis of these divine symbols can be appreciated.
Western theories of the atom took shape in the 18th and 19th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, John Dalton theorised that an atom was an indivisible particle of an element. However, after the electron was discovered in 1897, and then the proton several years later, the atom model was revised. In 1909, Ernest Rutherford showed that atoms were mostly empty space, revising the model of an atom to a tight positive nucleus containing the protons and neutrons with electrons around it; by 1913, Danish physicist Neils Bohr envisioned a planetary arrangement in which the electrons orbited the nucleus at different energy levels.
The current way of describing an electron is a model called the charge cloud model/quantum mechanical model/orbital model. This model based on the idea of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which states that we do not know the precise location or the velocity of any given electron. The model uses indistinct and overlapping "probability clouds" to approximate the position of an electron.
Where a cloud is dense, the probability of finding an electron in that vicinity is low. In this model, each electron energy level is denoted by numbers that take concentric shells as suggested by the Bohr model because there are overlaps in the ordering of the energy levels.
In the case of the carbon atom the electrons occupy four tear drop shaped clouds in a tetrahedron-like arrangement. These clouds represent the areas in which the electrons spend most of their time. They move so rapidly in this zone that they form a cloud rather than a specific flight path
Recently a number of researchers have suggested that within these clouds exist specific zones that the electrons favour. These zones form a spiral around the surface of each of the tear drop shaped clouds.
This new development came into the attention of a great Indian saint and mystic. Disciples were encouraged to develop the principle as it related to the carbon atom.In deep meditation one of those disciples, who was a chemist,spontaneously realised the true significance of this theory:
The electron's high probability zone formed spiral standing waves around the carbon atom's nucleus. When this configuration was viewed from certain angles the physicist was surprised to find that the spirals formed recognisable symbols.
In the first view a 3–dimensional Aumkara could be seen. From a different angle that Aumkara became a flat, 2-dimensional Swastika. The Swastika, he concluded, was actually 2-D representation of the 3-D aumkara.
Rotating the model to another angle shows those symbols change into the Greek Alpha and Omega. At a cosmic level the symbols of Eastern spirituality (Aumkara and Swastika) are literally and only different aspects of the same spiritual truth that is also represented by the symbols of Western spirituality (Alpha and Omega).
All people, objects and even energy itself are expressions of the same divinity that so many religions, cultures and philosophies have tried to claim exclusively as their own.
The Carbon atom, by containing within it these universal symbols, demonstrates that matter is a manifestation of the same Divine consciousness experienced by the saints and sages of all history. Matter is innately spiritual.
The Universe does not exist separately from the Universal Consciousness; it is a direct expression of it.
Living matter, which is carbon based, must have a unique role in this expression. A saint is one who lives in eternal experience of this all pervading divine purpose.
All people, objects and even energy itself are expressions of the same divinity
The alpha and omega are traditionally ascribed to Christ. In india the Deity called Ganesha presides over the Swastika and Aumkara.
There are some remarkable similarities between the two:
Both deities demonstrate the value of childlike innocence; Ganesha is himself an eternal child famous for his simple wisdom ;while Christ, son of god, often exhorted his disciples to "be as little children";

They both are divine children; both conceived immaculately;, both divine sons of a holy trinity (Christ is the son of Yahweh and The Holy Spirit/Mary and Ganesha son of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati).
Are Ganesha and Christ the one and the same deity?
Each, like their symbols that exist as different aspects of the carbon atom, represent different aspects of the archetypal cosmic child.
Thus the distinction between Eastern and Western spirituality, like any division based on race,culture or belief, is no more than ignorance of the true spiritual nature of the universe and all that exists within it.